Friday, August 22, 2008

Pooh Days

This morning, I took Nicky's nappy off preparatory to dressing him. Stupidly, I got sidetracked by James before I replaced the nappy, and three seconds later I realised there was a ribbon of poo hanging precariously from Nicky's bum. I stepped back to look for the main part of said action, and realised immediately I'd found it without trying. The underside of ones bare foot is a horrible place to locate a missing No 2. Especially if, like me, you then lose your balance and step heavily on another, hitherto clean, patch of carpet. I lost it a bit, swore fruitily, and then had the pleasure of cleaning carpet (and duvet. Don't dump a pooey 1 year old onto a duvet) to the soundtrack of James chanting "Sit Sit Sit, buddy hell" as he bounced cheerily round the room.

We were late for playschool. Again!

1 comment:

wendy wallace said...

Hi my love - just posted a comment which came up on my own blog, for heavens sake! about a 23 second shower, now all gone out to sea!