Sunday, February 8, 2009

Photo Meme

I need to come back here, open it up, dust it off, switch the electricity back on and make a cup of tea in the unused kettle... but not today. Today I'm just here quicky to take part in a meme, a challenge from a Facebook Friend.

I hadn't really planned to post at all, but I went to the sixth folder of my photos, and looked at the sixth photo in that folder - and it was this one. This is my 96 year old Granny, holding my 10 month old son. My Dad and I are the other two people in the photo. Four generations of us, all together.

Granny died last year; this was the only time she ever met James. But it was an auspicious occasion, and I'm so glad she did. Therefore I reckon this meme is serendipitous; it's a good memory to revisit.

I'll be back soon...

1 comment:

Janelle said...

very sweet photograph! thanks for sharing! x janelle