Friday, August 29, 2008

Falling Apart

My hips are aching horribly today. They have been for a while now. I need to make an appointment with an orthopod, get an x-ray, check that it's all ok and not the start of arthritis, or, worse, that the bone isn't necrotising... That sounds so alarmist, but apparently it can happen on old breaks. I hope I just need to lose the 8 extra kilos I've been carrying around since I had Jamie, and perhaps actually do some exercise now and then, and that will sort it.

I remember when I broke the hip, being told I might have pain "in 20 years or so". It seemed so immensely far away then. Well, it's over 16 years now, and I haven't done a single exercise I was told to do, to build up the muscle etc, so it's my own fault. It's not like I lug great flabby legs around, mind you, but there were all these specific things I should have done. And the fact is that I am off balance, just a bit, I limp when I'm tired and I over-compensate by placing more weight on my left leg. Hence that "good" leg now aches pretty much as much as the "bad" right one.

Rant rant rant. I'll call the orthopaedic guy. Soonish.


timothymarcjones said...

I flew off a motorbike in the natal midlands, and dislocated my hip- years ago. Last year I fell off a horse, and to this day can't run or walk for more than 5km. Being fit buys me about another 5km, but bloody fit, mind.

Get a chiro. Worked for me.

Jeannie said...

Think I will - it's been on my mind for a while. Time to start working on the bloody fit part too, dammit!