Sunday, December 14, 2008

Festive Sevens

Ohhh, Mud tagged me about a week ago, and it's taken me this long to do... I've been adding bits as and when, but I'm afraid this reveals what a boring person I am! Oh dear. Well, here goes..

7 Things I Must Do Before My Parents Arrive

We'll be going to them... but the principle holds true, I think.

Buy presents for them

Buy last presents for kids. Jamie has two and Nicky, so far, only one. My Virgo soul rebels at the unfairness of it, although I doubt Nicky will notice.

Buy a present for my husband! Only he won't tell me anything he wants and as his birthday is at the end of October, I feel like I already got him everything. Besides, the stuff I'd like to get him would necessitate mortgaging the house.

Wrap the presents. This is not as easy as it sounds as I have a three year
old and an 18 month old trying to get in on the action. They LURVE sellotape.

Make sure I remember to open all the doors on the Advent Calendar,
preferably day by day rather than 10 days in a row. Too much chocolate.

(Too much chocolate for a three year old and an 18 month old, that is. There is no such thing as too much chocolate when you're a 36 year old Mommy. Trust me on this.)

Go to the dentist. Convulsive shiver. Do not admit to ANY chocolate eating while there.

Host a braai for my husbands computer group. Oh, and remember to actually send out invites to it so that people show up.

7 Things I've been Doing Instead Of Preparing For Christmas

Having new pool pump installed

Having new buit in cupboards built in our bedroom. Oh, I love my new cupboards!! I feel so grown up all of a sudden!

Having a new loo put into the guest bathroom after the old one Stopped Working.
Capitals deserved.

Having new satellite installation thingie installed over the granny flat

Settling new tenants into the granny flat

Frantically arranging playdates for three year old bored out of his mind now
playschool has finished.

Watching Stargate Sg-1 Season 8, 9 and 10 on DVD. Tee hee.

7 Things I Can't Do This Christmas

Go for a walk wrapped up in a coat and scarf

Pick holly from the garden

Eat turkey and/or goose

Go to Midnight Mass and the preceding Carol Service (2330 with toddlers?? Are
you nuts??)

Sleep in!!!

Spend it with everyone I'd like to. Thank heavens for email, Facebook and VOIP phones, hey?

7 Christmas Wishes

For my little family to be safe, secure, happy and healthy for the year to

Less political intimidation and violence than expected in the run up to our
elections here

For my very special sister in law to have the baby she so desperately wants

For the economic situation across the world to stabilize

And, purely selfishly, for Nicky to be out of nappies by next Christmas!

That's only five. I find wishing difficult.

7 Things I Say As Christmas Approaches

What? Only TEN days to go??

No, I have no idea what I want :-(

I MUST get a Christmas tree...

Heavens, we've forgotten to open the last five days on the Advent Calendars!

Christmas is when Jesus was born, so Father Christmas brings us presents to
celebrate. (Well, I'm not Catholic and no-one has ever given me a manual on
raising Catholic children. I'm making it up as I go along!!!)

No, Nicky's dashboard is for Christmas - he can't have it now! Share yours!!

Good Lord, I'm tired...

I must must must get to the shops and buy presents for you all...

PLEASE try and think of just one thing you'd like???

7 Celebrities I'd Invite For Christmas Dinner

Hugh Jackman. Self explanatory

The entire cast of SG-1. I've just finished watching the box set. Besides, they look like fun people :-)

Richard Dean Anderson on his own, if the rest of the cast couldn't make it. Again, self explanatory. Can I keep him??? Please????

I've been racking my brain to think of a political type person to invite, but actually, I don't want any of them. I don't feel like fighting at Christmas time. I just want fun conversation and eye candy. Beside, if the whole cast comes, that's my seven.

7 Favourite Festive Foods

Hmmm. I have favourite Southern and favourite Northern festive foods. An amalgam, then...

Mince pies (Northern. Too hot in SA)

My Mom's ham (Southern)

Goose (Northern)

Marinated Mushrooms (very Southern)

Three Bean Salad (ditto)

Trifle (North and South)

Ginger Wine !!! Does it count as a food?

7 Other Bloggers Who Can Play Festive Seven (if they have the time)!

Oooh, I don't have seven - I think everybody has been tagged already. BUT possibly

Zinkwazi Reflections


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