Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Oh the moaning...

Pollyanna tendencies aside, this has been a bit of a stressful week so far.

Friday my eye was full of a big red lump that had been insidiously growing since the surgery and was now too large to ignore. One quick visit to the lovely (seriously, he's a lovely man) optometrist and Jon, the boys and I were in the car on the way to East London, where the equally lovely opthalmologist agreed it wasn't much cop and, after dropping two drops of local into my eye, proceeded to cut the lump out. While I sat there, keeping my eye open totally without help. No strapping it open or anything. Luckily he moved so fast (and I only felt twinges of pain on the last two cuts) that I only got a bit shaky about it afterwards. Hopefully this has solved the problem. If, however, the granulated lump recurs, I'll have to have further full-on surgery. Holding thumbs it doesn't bloody come to that...!

Jon was a star, driving for around 6 hours, and the boys were stars too, sitting in their seats in the back for all that time. We had a quick look at my old school, and I showed Jon the two houses where I lived as a child.

The other exhausting thing about this week so far has been the migraines. The auras started on Thursday, and there's one most days. The bloody things build up, so that yesterday's one left a really nasty, sick headache in its wake. Thank heavens for Mici, who came round with anti-nausea pills and company to take my mind off the pain. And how wonderful that she thought to check with a pharmacist first, to make sure the anti-nausea medication could be taken with the codeine based pills I had already had!

Then last night we were fast asleep at 0130 when Nicky came in, climbed onto me and wee'd, hugely. The ensuing clean up and change took ages, was loud and woke up James into the bargain. So we ended up again with Nicky (a terribly restless sleeper) next to me and Jon in the little bed with Jamie. The upshot is that sleep since about 0200 has been a little fractured, and Jon and I have snapped at each other at least once this morning, and I've yelled at the boys at least twice, and it's only just 0700. We've all got colds and chesty coughs too. Oh, the joy of spring!

Now it's time to make dippy eggs and soldiers and fight off James, who wants me to read Richard Scarry just as the breakfast and school run kicks off. I need a clone, really.

make that two clones - one a mere vegetable growing me a replacement eye, just in case. Yuck. I know.


Hope Springs said...

I'd read Richard Scarry to the boys endlessly if I was closer. Not sure about growing you a new eye, though - you'll need your vegetable clone for that. Hope you all feel better soon xxxx

Lori ann said...

Whoa, I'm late here, so I do hope your better by now. Sounds so scary (not the book, the eye)cutting in such a delicate area. Hope all is well and your all recovered!
take care ♥

quadmom said...

Thanks so much for your advice about my sinus infection. We've had a huge amount of snow (2 blizzards in a week!) so I haven't been able to track down the oils you suggested, but I am still pretty stuffed up so I will look for them this weekend. I am sorry about your eye ... it made me cringe to even imagine being awake while someone cut anywhere NEAR my eye ... ow!

P.S. I googled dippy eggs and soldiers -- looks delicious! I love soft-boiled eggs.

quadmom said...

P.P.S. Haha, I just realized that this post is from Sept 09 so you might not see my comment for a while if you don't check in regularly! ;)