Sunday, October 5, 2008

Whisper, Croak

I haven't been here and written anything for absolutely ages and the reason is that I am ill (sniff sniff). I haven't had a voice since last Tuesday night. I was sitting at the pub for pub quiz when suddenly I couldn't talk anymore. I could croak, sure, but that's not much good during a pub quiz... And since then my voice has been basically absent. Some days I have had more of a sound coming out than others, but yesterday and today have been spent as a mute, to all intents and purposes.

It makes parenting very difficult. I hadn't realised how much I rely on being able to yell at the boys. Get off that! Get DOWN off the burglar guards! STOP headbutting your brother! NO Nicky, NOT the DVD player! (or fridge, or stove or any other miscellaneous item he's not supposed to fiddle with). STOP playing with the washing machine! Leave The Blasted Cat Alone!!!

And just the general instructions and comments needed to get through the day. Hands on the car while I get Nicky out. Hold my hand while we cross this carpark. But you LIKE Big Cook Little Cook, James...

Huff. I haven't been to a doctor yet. I thought about it, but the logistics of taking two small boys with me to the surgery, while Unable To Talk, was just too daunting, so I left it. I'm certainly not going to go today and pay three times usual rate for the audacity to fall ill on a Sunday. Tomorrow, however, I will grit my teeth, tie the boys to my belt with washing line rope, and go and get this seen to. Hopefully they will give me antibiotics and I will get better and reflect that, despite my worries about life in SA, at least I can still see a doctor when I want to and get prescribed medication that will cure my lurgy. I hope.

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