Monday, September 22, 2008

Interesting Times

Bugger. I just went back to look for a draft post I wrote some time ago, and I've deleted it. How very irritating of me. I let Jon read it, you see, and he said it was defamatory and slanderous, among other things. I thought, well, yes it is, but that's because I really want to defame and slander here, dammit. I didn't post it though; I thought perhaps he was right and I should just revisit it later. Hmmm

Basically the gist of it was that I distrust charisma. I don't like what charismatic people are able to do to a crowd. I mentioned Angus Buchan, and Jacob Zuma. Oh, and Tony Blair, who I wasn't very nice about. Should that be whom??

Still, perhaps it's not a bad thing that the post is lost, because time has moved on. As of this last weekend a new set of lunatics are in charge of the asylum. And JZ, who I was moaning about because of his, well, you know, just about his everything really, appears to be not really in the loop at all. Worryingly, this man who is apparently the saviour of all, was not able to even stare down his supporters in the NEC and have his stated intentions followed (seems he wished to leave the status quo unchanged, with Mbeki in office till the elections). And if he cannot even stamp his authority in this matter, it would suggest to me that, far from being a charismatic leader, he is merely a cypher, a figurehead, a token appointment given the BMW but not allowed to actually make any decisions.

Wonder who is really in charge then? Time will tell... Seems like we are living in that old Chinese curse, Interesting Times.


Unknown said...

My money is on "business" being in charge - money talks - as we've well seen in old JZs case...

If it's of any consolation, there is a strong view that says he won't end up getting the top job. Analysts are already saying Motlanthe will be in until 2014. Frankly, anyone who can get this government moving again (after the long hiatus that started with Polokwane) has got to be better than the nothing that's been happening for so long. It's strange but for the first time in a very long time, I have a sense that maybe, just maybe this new government might work.

Drifted my way here via Rub2Neurons.

Jeannie said...

Glad you found your way here :-) I agree that there is a new sense of movement and hope... I like the sound of what Motlanthe is doing. I do hope the analysts are right about 2014!