Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Who Do I Think I Am?

My mind is shutting down these days - Jamie is waking up before 4am most mornings and sleep is not really happening after that. That means bedtime is having to get earlier and earlier to just be able to function, and therefore time to myself is practically non-existent. I'm taking advice from Erma Bombeck though, and trying to live in each moment, and enjoy it for what it is. It'll all change soon enough.

I have nothing pithy or interesting to say today. I'm just making a note here of the fact that I know the names of all my great grandparents (and therefore the boys great great grandparents). I'm rather unreasonably pleased about that. I'd love to know more, but the generation before that is a bit sketchy. I know one of my great great grandfathers was called Benjamin, and one of my great great grandmothers was a Selena.

One day I'd like to track back further. To find the names perhaps of all the great greats, and then pick a line to go back on. I'm fascinated by genealogy, and think it is such an excellent way to help history come alive. Knowing that a direct ancestor of yours was actually present during what we now think of as dead and buried time, well, that's amazing.

The resources available for researching your family tree are huge, these days. Once again, it's just time that is in somewhat short supply! But I've made a start, with my eight greats, and I'm pleased about that.

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